Taylor Swift - Past "Swiftie" Plastic Surgery?

Posted August 09, 2023
Did Taylor Swift have plastic surgery

The ongoing Eras Tour of Taylor Swift continues to see shows sell out in hours and more dates added to meet the demand of her fans. The tour was announced after the release of her tenth studio album, and it marks the latest triumph for the singer-songwriter. While her music has evolved over the years so has her appearance since she first appeared on the music scene as a teenager. As Swift has continued to age, there has been some speculation about whether her appearance is due to genetics or if the leader of the “Swifties’ has undergone celebrity plastic surgery to maintain a youthful look.

Taylor Swift – Plastic Surgery Speculation on TMZ

One of the first signs that Swift might have undergone some type of cosmetic procedure is when TMZ published a post in 2020 that compared a 2006 photo of Swift to a photo of the singer in 2020. The 2020 photo featured Swift with youthful. flawless skin. At the time, TMZ asked their audience if her appearance was the result of good genes or plastic surgery. The voting was not a landslide for either choice as good genetics got 57% of the votes while plastic surgery got 43% of the vote.

The voting did not stop TMZ followers from commenting about the topic on Twitter (now known as “X”). Some of the comments included:

  • “Good doctors”
  • Brow lift and a nose job”
  • “Good makeup!”
  • “Good docs just like the rest of Hollywood”
  • “It’s called growing up”
  • “Good genes and a skincare regimen only the elite can afford.”
  • “With age comes beauty.”
  • “Photoshop”
  • “She is cute either way.”

Taylor Swift – Suspected Plastic Surgery Procedures

Taylor Swift Suspected Plastic SurgeryWhile the fans of TMZ had their say on Twitter, there are others who seem to be convinced that the current look of Taylor Swift is due to surgical help.

One of the main procedures Swift is suspected of undergoing is rhinoplasty AKA a nose job. Some celebrity watchers point to changes in the look of her nose as their “proof” of rhinoplasty. Earlier in her career, her nose shape was somewhat bulkier in appearance. She also had a rounder look to the tip of the nose and a nose bridge that had a thicker look. The current appearance of her nose is more refined in its look, and it also has a narrower appearance.

The nose is not the only area of her face that she is suspected of changing over the years. Her cheeks now have a look that is more sculpted and defined than at any point in the past. The difference in the look of her cheeks could be due to fillers that are injected into the targeted area of the body to provide a greater amount of definition and volume.

A close look at her forehead shows a lack of wrinkles and signs of aging. Swift has a smooth look to the forehead that could be the result of Botox injections. Botox is a popular choice for patients who want to lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on their face.

The jawline of Taylor Swift has changed over the years to the point that it has an improved definition and sharper look. A more defined jawline can come from a jawline contouring procedure that is noninvasive as it uses fillers to reshape the look of the jawline.

The appearance of her breasts has also been a subject of debate for many years. Older photos of Taylor Swift show a flatter chest. These days, her cup size appears to be quite a bit larger. There are some fans who claim that a push-up bra makes her breasts have a bigger look but not everyone believes this theory. Instead, there is a possibility that the singer had breast augmentation somewhere around 2011 or 2012. When examining the shape of the narrow depression between her breasts, some medical experts felt she had breast implants placed in her body instead of undergoing a fat transfer procedure.

Finally, there has been a somewhat noticeable change to the size and shape of her lips. The lips now have a fuller look along with a more defined appearance than she had in her younger years. The changes in her lips have led some to believe that she had lip fillers placed in her lips so they would gain a greater amount of volume and a more contoured shape.

It likely comes as no surprise that Taylor Swift, or any members of her team, have bothered to address the gossip surrounding the changes in her look. There is certainly a good chance that Swift has achieved her current look through plastic surgery while there is also a good chance that certain aspects of her appearance have naturally changed over the years as she has continued to age. Until there comes a time when Swift decides to address any of the speculation publicly, the conversation about her look will continue to remain nothing more than gossip.

- MA


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